SFTP Server allows you to share / exchange files via the SSH File Transfer Protocol (also Secure File Transfer Protocol, or SFTP).

* Note: ports below 1024 are not supported due to sandboxing.

* Features


Choose the subscription you want to create the sftp service in. Create a new Resource Group. It will automatically create a storage account of specified Redundancy. Give a File Share Name. Provide a SFTP user name. Provide a SFTP password. Click on I agree to terms and conditions above. Click Purchase.

• Secure file transfer
• Built-in SFTP accounts (independent of the macOS accounts)
• Per-user home directories
• Simple and easy to configure
• Supports popular SFTP clients such as FileZilla and WinSCP
• Supports documents, photos, movies, apps, backups, folders and other files

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* The default document root points to “/Users/*username*/Library/Containers/net.langui.SFTPServer/Data/Documents/SFTPShare”, you can press Command-G in Finder to go to the destination folder.