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Last night I pushed the changes I made to the LaTeX.sublime-build to GitHub. You may say that TeXlive is now “officially supported” on Windows, in addition to MikTeX. As I noted earlier, I fully expected Sublime Text 2 to eventually fix its handling of non-normalized file paths and different drive letter cases. As usual, Jon has come through: as of version 2120, everything works just fine!

Also, I finally got around to beefing up the README file for the plugin. It’s in Markdown format, so it’s human-readable, but you can see it in all its HTML-formatted glory if you just go to the LaTeXTools page at Github and scroll down. I hope this will encourage more people to give Sublime Text 2 and LaTeXTools a whirl.

This is a short abstract on my experiences setting up LaTex with my favorite text editor Sublime Text 2 on Mac. The first task is to download and install the MacTeX Package. There’s tons of software out there to create full LaTeX documents. The MacTex package includes the open source program TeXShop. The Skim editor will open and jump.

One final note on the choice of TeXlive vs. MikTeX. As I see it, the trade-off is this: MikTeX’s management tools, and its DVI previewer Yap, are Windows-native, whereas TeXlive’s management tools feel like ports of Unix tools, which they are (even the GUI ones). On the other hand, TeXlive has full support for spaces in file names and paths, which MikTeX currently lacks. As a further advantage, TeXlive has a working version of latexmk, which means that it is very easy to change the tex engine from pdflatex to, say, xelatex: just change the appropriate line in LaTeX.sublime-build. Finally, TeXlive on Windows is essentially the same as, and package-wise in sync with, MacTeX on OSX, which may be convenient if you’re a platform hopper like me.

How to Use LaTeX in Sublime Text on Mac

This page provides a brief guide to using LaTeX in Sublime Text on Mac. This guide covers setup, use and customization. LaTeX is a system for creating high-quality technical documents. Sublime Text is a smart text editor.


You need five tools to use LaTeX in Sublime Text: MacTeX, LaTeXTools, and Skim. MacTeX contains the TeX-related programs and packages needed to use LaTeX on your Mac. LaTeXTools is a package used to build LaTeX documents. Skim is a PDF viewer used to view LaTeX documents.
  1. Install the MacTeX distribution
  2. Install Sublime Text and Package Control
  3. Open Sublime Text and Install LaTeXTools:
    1. Press Command + Shift + P
    2. Search 'Package Control: Install Package'
    3. Press Enter
    4. Search 'LaTeXTools'
    5. Press Enter
  4. Install Skim
  5. Open Skim
    1. Select 'Skim' then 'Preferences' from the menu
    2. Select 'Sync'
    3. Select 'Check for file changes'
    4. Select 'Reload automatically'
    5. Select 'Sublime Text' from the 'Preset' menu
  6. Install a theme if desired
  7. Done


Once LaTeX is setup in Sublime Text, it can be used to create LaTeX documents. To use LaTeX in Sublime Text, you need to create a file, set the syntax to LaTeX and build. You can make Sublime Text your default editor for LaTeX documents after creating your first file.
  1. Use LaTeX:
    1. Open Sublime Text
    2. Press Command + N
    3. Press Command + Shift + P
    4. Search 'Set Syntax: LaTeX'
    5. Press Enter
    6. Write your document using the LaTeX language
    7. Build with Command + B
  2. Make Sublime Text your default editor:
    1. Save LaTeX code
    2. Find the .tex file on your Mac
    3. Hold Control and select the .tex file
    4. Select 'Get info'
    5. Select 'Sublime Text' from the 'Open with' menu
    6. Select 'Change all'
    7. Close window


LaTeXTools can be customized by editing user settings. For example, when you build, Skim will open the PDF on the page associated with the position of your cursor in Sublime Text. You can turn this feature off:
  1. Open Sublime Text
  2. Select 'Sublime Text' from the menu
  3. Select 'Preferences'
  4. Select 'Package Settings'
  5. Select 'LaTeXTools'
  6. Open Sublime Text
  7. Select 'Settings - User'
  8. Press Command + F
  9. Search 'forward_sync'
  10. Change 'true' to 'false'
  11. Save


Sublime Text can be customized with snippets. A snippet is a block of code that can be pasted by entering a predefined combination of keys. Snippets make writing LaTeX documents faster. The following steps will create and use a snippet called 'preamble' containing a basic LaTeX article template:
  1. Open Sublime Text
  2. Select 'Tools' from the menu
  3. Select 'Developer'
  4. Select 'New Snippet'
  5. Replace the existing text with the following: <snippet><content><![CDATA[documentclass[11pt,oneside]{article}usepackage{geometry,graphicx,amssymb,amsmath} title{} author{}begin{document} maketitle end{document}]]></content><tabtrigger>preamble</tabtrigger><scope>text.tex.latex</scope></snippet>
  6. Save as 'preamble.sublime-snippet'
  7. Open a LaTeX document
  8. Type 'preamble'
  9. Press Tab