Expression An expression that returns a QueryTable object. Setting the Connection property doesn't immediately initiate the connection to the data source. You must use the Refresh method to make the connection and retrieve the data. For more information about the connection string syntax, see the Add method of the. Latest news about erp for mac. When the size of the Excel spreadsheet file is big, it contains a lot of data and it will perform more slowly. At certain point, the file can become unstable and crashes are more likely to happen. A good solution is to optimize the Excel spreadsheet file. The best way is to do it manually, by removing unnecessary formulas and formatting.

Once you have an external data connection, you can use the connection properties to point to another database table or query. You can even write your own SQL statements. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the language that relational database systems (such as Microsoft Access) use to perform various tasks. You can pass instructions right from Excel by using SQL statements. This can give you more control over the data you pull into your Excel model.

Excel external data connections have been disabled mac

Although a detailed discussion of SQL isn’t possible, let’s step a bit outside our comfort zone and edit our external data connection using a simple SQL statement to pull in a different set of data.

  1. Go to the Data tab on the Ribbon and select Connections. This activates the Workbook Connections dialog box shown here.
  2. Choose the connection you want to edit and then click the Properties button.
  3. The Connection Properties dialog box opens. Here, you can click the Definition tab.
  4. Change the Command Type property to SQL and then enter your SQL statement. In this case, you can enter:

    Download fable for mac. SELECT * FROM [Sales_By_Employee]
    WHERE ([Market] = 'Tulsa')This statement tells Excel to pull in all records from the Sales_By_Employee table where the Market equals Tulsa.

  5. Click OK to confirm your changes and close the Connection Properties dialog box.

    Excel immediately triggers a refresh of your external connection, bringing in your new data.